Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Grids and Configuration Settings

Using the configuration settings allows access to more advanced settings, for example filters, column rows, and Excel export settings.


  1. Click the icon to flip the grid.
  2. In the Name field, optionally enter a unique identifier for the grid. This is not a mandatory field and does not appear on the grid itself, but is useful for uniquely identifying grids on a dashboard, and when linking objects. It is not the same as the document name, which you must specify when saving the grid.
  3. Ensure that the required report source is selected with a green tick in the first drop-down menu in the Report Source area. Where multiple sources are available, for example when multiple report configurations have been created, these will appear in the drop-down list so you can quickly change the basis of the grid.
  4. If you want to configure the report source, click the icon next to the second drop-down menu in the Report Source area. You might need to set the Report Source to No measurement filtered by <Previous criteria> to display the second drop-down.

The standard Report Configuration window is displayed.

  1. Configure the following fields, as required:
    • Name : The name of the report configuration, that will be displayed in the Report Source drop-down once saved.
    • Filter: By default the grid will be filtered by previous criteria, in other words it will display any segment that is available to it.

Additional filters can be added with this option that are unique to the grid configuration. These will be joined at the grid level by the specified join option and at the report level by the join option that is specified for the entire chart.

If multiple filters have been added, check the ones that you want to include in the current iteration of the grid and be sure to set the join option of each. Unchecked filters will be ignored.

  • Display Grand Totals: Select this option if you want to display column and row totals on the grid.
  • Advanced: Expand the Advanced options to configure the Column / Row axis settings and whether to suppress blank rows and columns.
  • Columns and Rows : Drag a column from the Data Explorer , or alternatively use the 'Create new...' drop-down to select another tool to engineer a column or row, or to add an existing template.

Columns and rows derived from Data Explorer columns are configured using the Dimension configuration fields.

You can sort a Dimension by one of the grid's measures by selecting the measure you want to sort by from the Measure drop-down field (described below) and then selecting the required sort direction from the Sort drop-down menu.

  • Measures: The Measure configuration fields allow you to define the basis of the chart, i.e. what you are actually measuring. It could be a simple count of a table such as. customer, household or order, or it could be a calculated measure like a mean, or the sum of a database column.

For a simple count, select a function of 'Count' and from the Source drop-down select the resolution table that is customer , order and so on. For more advanced measures, select a function from Sum, Average or Standard Deviation and then select the Source column that the function will be based on.

Note: Multiple measures can be added to a grid allowing the user to compare the results side by side.

By default grids are filtered by the report level filter (if one exists). You can optionally add additional filters at the measure level that are unique to that measure and which will be AND'd with the report filter by default. Where multiple measures have been added to a report, then each can be filtered differently allowing comparisons to be made.

  1. In the Grid Layout section, optionally enter a title to be displayed at the top of the grid. The grid title does not have to be unique.
  2. To change the width and height of grid elements, enter the required values in the fields provided.

The default settings for the grid are as follows:

  • Column Width: 100
  • Title Column Width: 100
  • Row Height: 20
  • Title Row Height: 20

You can also configure these settings using the Grid tab.

What to do next

To export the results to an Excel spreadsheet, configure the Excel Settings fields.

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